
A Message from Fr Dan: The Priest in the Parish

This summer will mark my 20th anniversary as the priest in Rosbercon Parish. Being in the parish for twenty years is a gift. Now, when I celebrate a funeral Mass, I know the person whose funeral I am celebrating. I know the family, and who is related to the deceased. This pastoral knowledge is a…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Sermon on the Mount:

Jesus with His newly chosen apostles have just come down from the mountain. He is quickly surrounded by a large crowd who are interested in his teaching. The crowds want to know from Jesus, how they can live, how they can love, how they can be happy.


Because the people feel rejected, they think…

A Message from Fr Dan: World Day of Prayer for the Sick:

On Tuesday next, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The reason for this is that on the 11th February, 1858 Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette for the first time.

The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is famous for a number of other reasons: On this date since 1993 we celebrate…

A Message from Fr Dan: Beauty:

Outside a Metro Station in Washington, DC, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. The man playing the Bach pieces was Joshua Bell, playing incognito as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people’s priorities, organized by the Washington Post.

A Message from Fr Dan: Spring-Time in the Church:

In mid-winter as we are now, only the barest signs of Spring are visible.  But we have no doubt that Spring is just around the corner even though the ground still carries many of the dead leaves of last Summer.


We continue to live in a time of change, in society, in political life,…

A Message from Fr Dan:

One hundred and seventy-nine years ago the world was plagued by the cholera epidemic. In his poem In Memoriam, Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Ring out old shapes of foul disease”. Could he ever have guessed that his words would ring true again for the time of Covid. The human spirit is strong and now again,…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Coming of Christ:

Over the centuries there have been many powerful leaders in our world. In the last 100 years we have had Tzar in Russia, Hitler in Germany, Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Idi Amin in Uganda and Mussolini in Italy. Some of these leaders seize power but many of them were elected and were popular in their own…

The Rosbercon–Mullinarrigle-Tullogher Christmas Draw

The Rosbercon–Mullinarrigle-Tullogher Christmas Draw to help meet our financial commitments and to continue to maintain the Buildings of the Parish was a great success and Fr Dan and the Parish Finance Committee thank you sincerely for your generosity to the Parish. The Draw took place on Sunday last, 15th December and realised €6,830.00.



A Message from Fr Dan – Arise, shine, for your light has come:

On Wednesday next 25th December we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity. We are celebrating how the Son of God came among us as one of us. In a humble stable, a fragile child, the promised Messiah, was born. In time the light of the Risen Christ would overcome the darkness and fear of the…

Christmas Masses in Rosbercon Parish 2024:


Tuesday – Christmas Eve, Vigil Mass:           8.00 p.m.

Wednesday – Christmas Morning:                  11.00 a.m.



Tuesday – Christmas Eve, Vigil Mass:           6.00 p.m.



Wednesday – Christmas Morning:                  9.30 a.m.


All Masses from Rosbercon Church will be streamed live through our webcam on