
A Message from Fr Dan: Looking forward to Mission Sunday:

Two weeks from now on the 20th October we will be celebrating Mission Sunday. Mission Sunday reminds us each year of our missionaries working in the countries of Africa and Asia and across the world caring for the poor and the marginalised. They need our prayers and support. We think especially of those who work…

Our Lady of Lourdes / Holy Faith, Rosbercon Centenary Celebrations:

We are delighted to invite you, in particular our past students, to a Gala Concert to celebrate 100 years of Excellence in Education. Please join us in Rosbercon Church on Friday 11th October at 7.00pm for a wonderful night of entertainment. Light refreshments will be served in the school at 5.00pm.

A Message from Fr Dan: Saint John Henry Newman:

On Wednesday 9th October the Church will celebrate the feast of Cardinal Newman. John Henry Newman was born in London in on the 21st February, 1801. He was the eldest of six children, three boys and three girls. His father was a banker and Newman was educated locally before entering Trinity College, Oxford. A brilliant…

Come celebrate 175 years of CBS in New Ross:

*Mass celebrated by Bishop Ger Nash in Parish Church New Ross at 2pm on Wednesday 25th September
*Open Evening with photographic exhibition in CBS Secondary at 7pm on Wednesday 25th September.
*Concert in St Michael’s Theatre at 7:30pm on Friday 4th October. Tickets available in theatre or online at EventBrite. €15 for adults…

A Message from Fr Dan: Saint Francis of Assisi:

In these times of climate change and global warming, many people are becoming interested in the life of Saint Francis of Assisi whose feast day is on the 4th October. Our present Pope Francis dedicated his papacy to Francis of Assisi.  The Pope once remarked: “Some people want to know why I wished to be…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Kingdom of God:

Christ came among us to bring salvation and freedom to our world and to our lives. He lived among us for thirty-three years. His public ministry lasted only three of those years. He had a vision and a dream for humanity. He summed up his vision in one short sentence, ‘what I command you is…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Season of Creation:

It began in the most unlikely of places: with a teenager refusing to go to school. But over the last four years, a remarkable wave of climate activism has spread across the globe, inspired by the Swedish teenage, Greta Thunberg, who caught the imagination of teenagers around the world, including here in Ireland. Their ‘climate…

A Message from Fr Dan: Attending the Weekend Mass:

The Covid pandemic and the closure of Churches for public worship in March 2020 removed the practice of regular ‘church going’ and broke the cycle of weekly Mass attendance.


Even before Covid, church attendance had ceased for many or more likely been reduced to a number of occasions during the year, such as funerals,…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Holy Well Part 2:

What will be the significance of Holy Wells like that of Saint Moling into the future? What will be the place of Holy Wells in future catholic devotion?


At Saint Moling’s well, the people are able to worship God through the mediation of Saint Moling who lived his life in Mullinakill, leaving a mark…

A Message from Fr Dan: The Holy Well:

This year we will be celebrating Mass at Saint Moling’s Well on Sunday, 25th August at 2.00pm. The pattern is celebrated annually at the well, not on the feast of Saint Moling but on the feast of Saint Bernard, the 20th August, should it fall on a Sunday, or if not on the next Sunday…