
A Message from Fr Dan: Christ the King:

This weekend we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. An old priest said after the Vatican Council, ‘My Christ used to be Christ the King, but now he has to be Christ the Carpenter’. Yet in this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus refers to himself as a King. For this, ‘He was born and for this…

A Message from Fr Dan: To stand apart from public opinion in the search for Truth, Goodness and Beauty’:

“God warned the  people about an earthquake that would so affect the water  supply that those who drank it would go crazy. One monk who  lived on the mountain by himself laid in a supply of good water  to last his lifetime. When the earthquake did occur, the monk  went down to find that the…

A Message from Fr Dan: Hope:

Desmond Tutu said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” You don’t get out of bed in the morning without hope. We have hope in many things. Hope in God, hope in family, hope that our efforts will bear fruit, hope we’ll overcome a sickness, hope that…

A Message from Fr Dan:

The film Kramer V Kramer which I saw for the first time in 1980 made a deep impression on me. Made in 1979 the story of the film centers on a family with one child. The husband, Ted, is a very successful designer in a company where he is about to be made a partner.…

Tullogher Rosbercon Seniors Alert Scheme:

Monitored alarm is available to any elderly over age 65. It’s free for the 1st year. We highly recommend it and it’s very popular. Contact us on the community alert number 0831999585.

This service is being organised by Bridget Healy, Joe Conway and Noreen Murphy.

Also, with shorter days ahead, light up your home, in…

Rosbercon Parish Draw 2024

It is Parish Draw Time of the year again!  To help meet our financial commitments and to continue to maintain the Buildings of the Parish we will be holding our usual Parish Draw on Sunday 15th December 2024. Tickets will be distributed to the homes of the parish during the coming weeks at a cost…

Holy Faith 100

Holy Faith 100 is a legacy project that coincides with the school’s centenary. The school has witnessed 100 years of social change from 1924 to 2024. We are inviting former students, staff and their families to share their stories, memories, photographs, documents, journals, essays, letters etc. These will provide a powerful account of the school’s…

A Message from Fr Dan: All Saints:

Somehow, it’s difficult for us to imagine saints as ordinary people. We would not think of a saint as wearing a uniform, an apron or a pair of overalls. A kitchen apron or a nurses’ uniform do not fit into how we imagine saints would look. Saints should be a bit unusual! Indeed, many of…

A Message from Fr Dan: Praying for our Dead:

What happens when a person dies? We have many consoling images and beautiful stories that shield us from the reality of death. But what is that reality. Beliefs and views vary. Many modern-day humanists believe and proclaim that we cease to exist at the moment of death. Nothing remains but our memory of our dead…

A Message from Fr Dan: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’:

‘Love one another as I have loved you’, says Christ. The way of Jesus is made known to us by the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. In presenting the way of Jesus to us, the Church has given us lots of rules and regulations and practices to help us to know what Jesus…