A Message from Fr Dan: Time with the Risen Jesus

Published on April 22, 2021

In the Easter Season most of the Readings at the weekend Masses focus on the Mission of the followers of Jesus. At first, they had failed to grasp the full meaning of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Once the truth dawned on them they felt duty bound to share their faith with others. When they find their courage, the Apostles proclaimed fearlessly that the Risen Jesus is Lord of the World.

For some their message was very welcome. For the Jewish authorities, however, their message was going too far, to such an extent that the Apostles needed to be silenced. The Apostles were punished, imprisoned, and warned not to speak ‘in the name of Jesus’. Despite this, they preached with enthusiasm, urgency and daily, we are told, people are added to their number.

Where did they get this courage? The answer, it seems, comes from the many occasions Jesus appeared to them after his resurrection. His greeting was always, ‘Peace be with you’ and, on most occasions he shared food with them. Often, they came to recognise him in the very sharing of food, ‘the breaking of bread’.

Like the Apostles, we need to find the courage to be people of faith and hope? Where are we to find the courage? We need to spend time with the Risen Jesus and allow him to reveal himself to us. In these Easter days – we allow some time and space each day for Jesus to reveal himself to us and to encourage us.                                                                                                From the Ennis Parish Newsletter – Adapted.