A Message from Fr Dan: The Holy Well Part 2:

Published on August 22, 2024

What will be the significance of Holy Wells like that of Saint Moling into the future? What will be the place of Holy Wells in future catholic devotion?


At Saint Moling’s well, the people are able to worship God through the mediation of Saint Moling who lived his life in Mullinakill, leaving a mark of his saintly activities on the landscape in the form of a well that he called up. Blessing oneself with water from the well or bringing water home connects a person with God himself. God cannot be identified with the well water nor is the well water itself divine, but through the action of Saint Moling a person can contact God through their devotion to the well.


The consecration of the well at Mullinakill by Saint Moling is celebrated each August by the pattern that takes place at the well. The pattern day is one of the major feast days in the life of the parish. Saint Moling is our local saint, one of us, who first brought the faith to our community.


The continued existence of holy wells and their use for devotional purposes is one of the many signs that Christian practices are far from dead in Ireland. We hope and pray that for many years to come Saint Moling’s well will continue to attract pilgrims seeking healing of body and soul. As we advance into the twenty first century, we are very happy to have a shrine of such beauty and tranquillity in our parish.