A Message from Fr Dan: Making the best use of our time:

Published on July 6, 2023

Many people are overworked. While holding down a job, they are also rearing children and caring for a home. Many have a number of other commitments also. So, it is very important that we make the best use of the time available to us. Here are a few helpful suggestions:


–          Work out what are the most important and urgent tasks you have to accomplish each day. Identify which ones must be done now and what can be left until later.

–          Spend the morning on your most important tasks. Get them completed first.

–          To remain fresh and focused take a short break between tasks. The human brain needs time to adjust before a new task is undertaken.

–          Keep focused on the task in hand. Avoid answering texts or the phone or browsing on the web. Most calls can wait until you have completed the work in hand.

–          Many of us are perfectionists. We put off tasks until we can do them perfectly. Because most of us have many tasks on our list, we need to concentrate on getting them done as best we can.

–          We need to keep our work programme straight and simple. This means not taking on new tasks or helping a colleague until we have some spare time.

–          Many people multitask. They work on two or more projects at the same time. This often prevents important and urgent work getting completed on time because of lack of focus.

–          Use a diary or online calendar to arrange meetings, organize events, set reminders or check your availability on a given date. Diaries and calendars have been used for years to manage time effectively.

–          Experts tell us that we can live much happier and more productive lives by taking some time each day to sensibly organize our time.


From the Ennis Parish Newsletter